Friday, 6 February 2015

February is Jumpstart Art Month

Well, it seems like February has a perk this year. Usually it's just the harshest winter month, but this year along with the storms and the deep freeze, it seems to have jumpstarted my butt into my studio to do what I love instead of just thinking about it.

I can't say that I've been prolific in my production of art, but I can say that no day goes by without at least a sketch or a tangle, or putting together a handmade journal.  I'm back at my table doing some of the classes that I've been downloading and saving for a "rainy day" for the past 2+ years.  It seems snowy days work just fine, too.

I started with Tamara Laporte's Bookworm Girl, which I've loved since I first laid eyes on her. I tackled her with great enthusiasm and am actually happy with the results. She turned out better than I expected and gave me the confidence to keep on truckin'. Here she is from beginning to end:

I've done a bunch of sketches as well, and am currently working on "Summer Girls", another of Tam's classes.  I'll post her when I finish, hopefully on Monday.

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