Monday, 5 August 2013

Blog Along With Effy - Day 5 - Spirituality, Lumberjacks, Coffee Cups & Doodles

I just read Effy's blog post for today on spirituality.  I think along the same lines as she does about the divine, with a small deviation here and there, mostly because I probably haven't explored as many things as deeply as she has.  She always delights and amazes me, and shows me that there's someone else out there who believes there's more than one way to get where you're other words, no matter what you believe or what religion or pagan ritual you follow, ultimately we all came from and end up in the same place....all paths lead to the divine.  Everything is made of energy and energy cannot be destroyed.  Energy = spirit.  End of story, as I see it.

We are well into International Festival Week here.  Today my BFF and I spent the afternoon at a lumberjack competition and barbeque.  I've never attended it before but it was a lot of fun watching both women and men whacking away at big hunks of wood with axes and chainsaws. It's amazing how far people come for these competitions.  But the forestry business is big here in New Brunswick, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

When I was doing my morning pages today, I snapped a photo of view I have from my usual spot to write when I first get up and I also snapped my coffee cup so you all can see the sweet pansies that adorn it.  It's my favourite one here.

I'm still doodlling like crazy every time I get a spare minute and can't be in my studio/playroom, but I haven't taken any pics lately...Sleep tight everyone! .

View from morning pages

Little faces that greet me every morning


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